
Journal Papers and Book Chapters

Memory & Information: The Core of Robot Cognition

Authors: Rafael Sousa Silva and Tom Williams

| Venue: Android, Assembled


Can robot advisers encourage honesty?: Considering the impact of rule, identity, and role-based moral advice

Authors: Boyoung Kim and Ruchen Wen and Ewart de Visser and Chad Tossell and Qin Zhu and Tom Williams and Beth Phillips

| Venue: IJHCS


The Importance of Memory for Language-Capable Robots

Authors: Rafael Sousa Silva and Zhao Han and Tom Williams

| Venue: XRDS


Toward Workload-Based Adaptive Automation: On the Utility of fNIRS for Measuring Load in Multiple Resources in the Brain

Authors: Leanne Hirshfield and Christopher Wickens and Emily Doherty and Cara Spencer and Tom Williams and Lucas Hayne

| Venue: IJHCI


Beyond the Session: Centering Teleoperators in Socially Assistive Robot-Child Interactions Reveals the Bigger Picture

Authors: Saad Elbeleidy and Terran Mott and Dan Liu and Ellen Do and Elizabeth Reddy and Tom Williams

| Venue: PACM-HCI (CSCW)


Scarecrows in Oz: The Use of Large Language Models in HRI

Authors: Tom Williams and Cynthia Matuszek and Ross Mead and Nick DePalma

| Venue: T-HRI


Voice in the Machine: Ethical Considerations for Language-Capable Robots

Authors: Tom Williams and Cynthia Matuszek and Kristiina Jokinen and Raj Korpan and James Pustojevsky and Brian Scassellati

| Venue: CACM


Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality for Human-Robot Interaction: A Survey and Virtual Design Element Taxonomy

Authors: Michael Walker and Thao Phung and Tathagata Chakraborti and Tom Williams and Daniel Szafir

| Venue: T-HRI


Comparing Norm-Based and Role-Based Strategies for Robot Communication of Role-Grounded Moral Norms

Authors: Ruchen Wen and Boyoung Kim and Elizabeth Phillips and Qin Zhu and Tom Williams

| Venue: T-HRI


Best of Both Worlds? Combining Different Forms of Mixed Reality Deictic Gestures

Authors: Landon Brown and Jared Hamilton and Zhao Han and Albert Phan and Thao Phung and Eric Hansen and Nhan Tran and Tom Williams

| Venue: T-HRI


Enabling Morally Sensitive Robotic Clarification Requests

Authors: Ryan Blake Jackson and Tom Williams

| Venue: T-HRI


A Theory of Social Agency for Human-Robot Interaction

Authors: Ryan Blake Jackson and Tom Williams

| Venue: F:R&AI


Role-based Morality, Ethical Pluralism, and Morally Capable Robots

Authors: Qin Zhu and Tom Williams and Ruchen Wen

| Venue: JCEA


Why and How Robots Should Say ‘No’

Authors: Gordon Briggs and Tom Williams and Ryan Blake Jackson and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: IJSR


Blame‑Laden Moral Rebukes and the Morally Competent Robot: A Confucian Ethical Perspective

Authors: Qin Zhu, Tom Williams, Blake Jackson, Ruchen Wen

| Venue: S&EE


Where to Next? The Impact of COVID-19 on Human-Robot Interaction Research

Authors: David Feil-Seifer, Kerstin Haring, Silvia Rossi, Alan Wagner, and Tom Williams

| Venue: T-HRI


Reference in Robotics: A Givenness Hierarchy Theoretic Approach

Authors: Tom Williams, Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: The Oxford Handbook of Reference


An Overview of the Distributed Integrated Cognition Affect and Reflection DIARC Architecture

Authors: Matthias Scheutz, Thomas Williams, Evan Krause, Bradley Oosterveld, Vasanth Sarathy, Tyler Frasca

| Venue: Cognitive Architectures


Dempster-Shafer Theoretic Resolution of Referential Ambiguity

Authors: Tom Williams and Fereshta Yazdani and Prasanth Suresh and Matthias Scheutz and Michael Beetz

| Venue: Autonomous Robots


Enabling Robots to Understand Indirect Speech Acts in Task-Based Interactions

Authors: Gordon Briggs and Tom Williams and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: JHRI


A Consultant Framework for Natural Language Processing in Integrated Robot Architectures

Authors: Tom Williams

| Venue: IIB


The State-of-the-Art in Autonomous Wheelchairs Controlled through Natural Language: A Survey

Authors: Tom Williams and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: RAS


Covert Robot-Robot Communication: Human Perceptions and Implications for Human-Robot Interaction

Authors: Tom Williams and Priscilla Briggs and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: JHRI


Conference Papers

Overlapping Social Navigation Principles: A Framework for Social Robot Navigation

Authors: Bryce Ikeda and Mark Higger and Christina Soyoung Song and Greg Trafton

| Venue: ICRA


Evaluating Robotic Performative Autonomy In Latency-Sensitive Collaborative Contexts

Authors: Rafael Sousa Silva and Cailyn Smith and Lara Ferreira Bezerra and Tom Williams

| Venue: ICRA


CLSTR: Capability-Level System for Tracking Robots

Authors: Alexandra Bejarano and Claire Bonial and Tom Williams

| Venue: ICRA


Robot Planning under Uncertainty for Object Assembly and Troubleshooting using Human Causal Models

Authors: Semanti Basu and Semir Tatlidil and Moon Hwan Kim and Tiffany Tran and Serena Saxena and Tom Williams and Steven Sloman and Iris Bahar

| Venue: ICRA


Improvising Interaction: Toward Applied Improvisation Driven Social Robotics Theory and Education

Authors: Tom Williams

| Venue: alt.HRI


Trauma-Informed Insights from Co-Design of Self-Disclosure Robots with Domestic Abuse Survivors

Authors: Nyomi Morris and Tom Williams and Ben Jelen

| Venue: HRI


Robot, Take the Joystick: Understanding Space Robotics Experts’ Views on Autonomy

Authors: Cailyn Smith and Terran Mott and Tom Williams

| Venue: RO-MAN


Designing Augmented Reality Robot Guidance Interactions through the Metaphors of Re-embodiment and Telepresence

Authors: Yifei Zhu and Colin Brush and Tom Williams

| Venue: RO-MAN


Degrees of Freedom: A Storytelling Game that Supports Technology Literacy about Social Robots

Authors: Terran Mott and Mark Higger and Alexandra Bejarano and Tom Williams

| Venue: RO-MAN


Hardships in the Land of Oz: Robot Control Challenges Faced by HRI Researchers and Real-World Teleoperators

Authors: Alexandra Bejarano and Saad Elbeleidy and Terran Mott and Sebastian Negrete-Alamillo and Luis Angel Armenta and Tom Williams

| Venue: RO-MAN


Understanding Barriers to Entry and Invisible Labor for Educational Care Wizards

Authors: Shane Romero and Saad Elbeleidy and Tom Williams

| Venue: RO-MAN


Early Adoption of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Computing Education: Emergent Student Use Cases and Perspectives in 2023

Authors: C. Estelle Smith and Kylee Shiekh and Hayden Cooreman and Sharfi Rahman and Yifei Zhu and Md Kamrul Siam and Michael Ivanitskiy and Ahmed M. Ahmed and Michael Hallinan and Alexander Grisak and Gabe Fierro

| Venue: ITiCSE


GAIA: A Givenness Hierarchy Theoretic Model of Situated Referring Expression Generation

Authors: Mark Higger and Tom Williams

| Venue: CogSci


Uncovering the Rules of Entity-Level Robotic Working Memory

Authors: Rafael Sousa Silva and Tom Williams

| Venue: CogSci


Understanding Roboticists’ Power through Matrix Guided Technology Power Analysis

Authors: Tom Williams

| Venue: alt.HRI


What a Thing to Say! Which Linguistic Politeness Strategies Should Robots Use in Noncompliance Interactions?

Authors: Terran Mott and Aaron Fanganello and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI


The Power of Advice: Differential Blame for Human and Robot Advisors and Deciders in a Moral Advising Context

Authors: Alyssa Hanson and Nichole Starr and Cloe Emnett and Ruchen Wen and Bertram Malle and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI


(Gestures Vaguely): The Effects of Robots’ Use of Abstract Pointing Gestures in Large-Scale Environments

Authors: Annie Huang and Alyson Ranucci and Adam Stogsdill and Grace Clark and Keenan Schott and Mark Higger and Zhao Han and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI


Robots for Social Justice (R4SJ): Toward a More Equitable Practice of Human-Robot Interaction

Authors: Yifei Zhu and Ruchen Wen and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI


More Than Binary: Transgender and Non-binary Perspectives on Human Robot Interaction

Authors: Michael Stolp-Smith and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI


Toward Open-World Human-Robot Interaction: What Types of Gestures Are Used in Task-Based Open-World Referential Communication?

Authors: Mark Higger and Polina Rygina and Logan Daigler and Lara Bezarra and Zhao Han and Tom Williams

| Venue: SEMDIAL


Exploring the Naturalness of Cognitive Status-Informed Referring Form Selection Models

Authors: Gabriel Del Castillo* and Grace Clark* and Zhao Han* and Tom Williams

| Venue: INLG


The Invisible Labor of Authoring Dialogue for Teleoperated Socially Assistive Robots

Authors: Saad Elbeleidy and Elizabeth Reddy and Tom Williams

| Venue: RO-MAN


The Impact of Different Ethical Frameworks Underlying a Robot’s Advice on Charitable Donations

Authors: Boyoung Kim and Ruchen Wen and Qin Zhu and Tom Williams and Elizabeth Phillips

| Venue: RO-MAN


Victims and Observers: How Gender, Victimization Experience, and Biases Shape Perceptions of Robot Abuse

Authors: Hideki Garcia Goo and Katie Winkle and Tom Williams and Megan Strait

| Venue: RO-MAN


Failure Explanation in Privacy-Sensitive Contexts: An Integrated Systems Approach

Authors: Sihui Li and Sriram Siva and Terran Mott and Tom Williams and Hao Zhang and Neil Dantam

| Venue: RO-MAN


Worth the Wait: Understanding How the Benefits of Performative Autonomy Depend on Communication Latency

Authors: Rafael Sousa Silva and Michelle Lieng and Emil Muly and Tom Williams

| Venue: RO-MAN


How Can Dog Handlers Help Us Understand the Future of Wilderness Search & Rescue Robots?

Authors: Terran Mott and Tom Williams

| Venue: RO-MAN


Confrontation and Cultivation: Understanding Perspectives on Robot Responses to Norm Violations

Authors: Terran Mott and Tom Williams

| Venue: RO-MAN


No Name, No Voice, Less Trust: Robot Group Identity Performance, Entitativity, and Trust Distribution

Authors: Alexandra Bejarano and Tom Williams

| Venue: RO-MAN


No Justice, No Robots: From the Dispositions of Policing to an Abolitionist Robotics

Authors: Tom Williams and Kerstin Haring

| Venue: AIES


Evaluating Cognitive Status-Informed Referring Form Selection for Human-Robot Interactions

Authors: Zhao Han and Tom Williams

| Venue: CogSci


Forget About It: Entity-Level Working Memory Models for Referring Expression Generation in Robot Cognitive Architectures

Authors: Rafael Sousa Silva and Michelle Lieng and Tom Williams

| Venue: CogSci


On Further Reflection… Moral Reflections Enhance Robotic Moral Persuasive Capability

Authors: Ruchen Wen and Boyoung Kim and Elizabeth Phillips and Qin Zhu and Tom Williams



The Eye of the Robot Beholder: Ethical Risks of Representation, Recognition, and Reasoning over Identity Characteristics in Human-Robot Interaction

Authors: Tom Williams

| Venue: alt.HRI


Now Look Here! ⇓ Mixed Reality Improves Robot Communication Without Cognitive Overload

Authors: Nhan Tran and Trevor Grant and Thao Phung and Leanne Hirshfield and Christopher Wickens and Tom Williams

| Venue: VAMR


I Need Your Help… or Do I? Maintaining Situation Awareness Through Performative Autonomy

Authors: Sayanti Roy and Trey Smith and Brian Coltin and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI


Crossing Reality: Comparing Physical and Virtual Robot Deixis

Authors: Zhao Han* and Yifei Zhu* and Albert Phan and Fernando Sandoval Garza and Amia Castro and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI


Fresh Start: Encouraging Politeness in Wakeword-Driven Human-Robot Interaction

Authors: Ruchen Wen and Alyssa Hanson and Zhao Han and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI


Unpretty Please: Ostensibly Polite Wakewords Discourage Politeness in both Robot-Directed and Human-Directed Communication

Authors: Ruchen Wen and Brandon Barton and Sebastian Faure and Tom Williams

| Venue: ICMI


Givenness Hierarchy Informed Optimal Document Planning in Situated Contexts

Authors: Kevin Spevak and Zhao Han and Tom Williams and Neil Dantam

| Venue: IROS


Evaluating Referring Form Selection Models in Partially-Known Environments

Authors: Zhao Han and Polina Rygina and Tom Williams

| Venue: INLG


Practical Considerations for Deploying Robot Teleoperation in Therapy and Telehealth

Authors: Saad Elbeleidy and Terran Mott and Dan Liu and Tom Williams

| Venue: RO-MAN


Leveraging Intentional Factors and Task Context to Predict Linguistic Norm Adherence

Authors: Cailyn Smith and Charlotte Gorgemans and Ruchen Wen and Saad Elbeleidy and Sayanti Roy and Tom Williams

| Venue: CogSci


IPOWER: Incremental, Probabilistic, Open-World Reference Resolution

Authors: Will Culpepper and Thomas A. Bennett and Lixiao Zhu and Rafael Sousa Silva and Ryan Blake Jackson and Tom Williams

| Venue: CogSci


Practical, Ethical, and Overlooked: Teleoperated Socially Assistive Robots in the Quest for Autonomy

Authors: Saad Elbeleidy and Terran Mott and Tom Williams

| Venue: alt.HRI


Norm-Breaking Responses to Sexist Abuse: A Cross-Cultural Human Robot Interaction Study

Authors: Katie Winkle and Ryan Blake Jackson and Gaspar Isaac Melsion and Drazen Brscic and Iolanda Leite and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI


Teacher, Teammate, Subordinate, Friend: Generating Norm Violation Responses Grounded in Role-based Relational Norms

Authors: Ruchen Wen and Zhao Han and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI


You Had Me at Hello: The Impact of Robot Group Presentation Strategies on Mental Model Formation

Authors: Alexandra Bejarano and Samantha Reig and Priyanka Senapati and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI


Projecting Robot Navigation Paths: Hardware and Software for Projected AR

Authors: Zhao Han and Jenna Parrillo and Alexander Wilkinson and Holly A. Yanco and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI


Robot Co-design Can Help Us Engage Child Stakeholders in Ethical Reflection

Authors: Terran Mott and Alexandra Bejarano and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI


Cultivating Ethical Engineers in the Age of AI and Robotics: An Educational Cultures Perspective

Authors: Stephen C. Rea and Qin Zhu and Dean Nieusma and Kylee Shiekh and Tom Williams

| Venue: ISTAS


How to Tune your Draggin’: Can Body Language Mitigate Face Threat in Robotic Noncompliance?

Authors: Aidan Naughton and Tom Williams

| Venue: ICSR


An Integrated Approach to Context-Sensitive Moral Cognition in Robot Cognitive Architectures

Authors: Ryan Blake Jackson* and Sihui Li* and Santosh Balajee Banisetty and Sriram Siva and Hao Zhang and Neil Dantam and Tom Williams

| Venue: IROS


Givenness Hierarchy Theoretic Referential Choice in Situated Contexts

Authors: Poulomi Pal and Grace Clark and Tom Williams

| Venue: CogSci


Analyzing Teleoperation Interface Usage of Robots in Therapy for Children with Autism

Authors: Saad Elbeleidy and Daniel Rosen and Dan Liu and Aubrey Shick and Tom Williams

| Venue: IDC


Robots as Moral Advisors: The Effects of Deontological, Virtue,and Confucian Ethics on Encouraging Honest Behavior

Authors: Boyoung Kim and Ruchen Wen and Qin Zhu and Tom Williams and Elizabeth Phillips

| Venue: alt.HRI


Deconstructed Trustee Theory: Disentangling Trust in Body and Identity in Multi-Robot Distributed Systems

Authors: Tom Williams and Daniel Ayers and Camille Kaufman and Jon Serrano and Sayanti Roy

| Venue: HRI


What’s The Point? Tradeoffs Between Effectiveness and Social Perception When Using Mixed Reality to Enhance Gesturally Limited Robots

Authors: Jared Hamilton* and Thao Phung* and Nhan Tran and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI


Effects of Proactive Explanations by Robots on Human-Robot Trust

Authors: Lixiao Zhu and Tom Williams

| Venue: ICSR


“Excuse Me, Robot”: Impact of Polite Robot Wakewords on Human-Robot Politeness

Authors: Tom Williams, Daniel Grollman, Mingyuan Han, Ryan Blake Jackson, Jane Lockshin, Ruchen Wen, Zachary Nahman, and Qin Zhu

| Venue: ICSR


Givenness Hierarchy Theoretic Cognitive Status Filtering

Authors: Poulomi Pal, Lixiao Zhu, Andrea Golden-Lasher, Akshay Swaminathan, and Tom Williams

| Venue: COGSCI


“We Need to Start Thinking Ahead”: The Impact of Social Context on Linguistic Norm Adherence

Authors: Jane Lockshin and Tom Williams

| Venue: COGSCI


An Experimental Ethics Approach to Robot Ethics Education

Authors: Tom Williams and Qin Zhu and Daniel Grollman

| Venue: EAAI


Dempster-Shafer Theoretic Learning of Indirect Speech Act Comprehension Norms

Authors: Ruchen Wen and Mohammed Aun Siddiqui and Tom Williams

| Venue: AAAI


The Confucian Matador: Three Defenses Against the Mechanical Bull

Authors: Tom Williams and Qin Zhu and Ruchen Wen and Ewart J. de Visser

| Venue: alt.HRI


Exploring the Role of Gender in Perceptions of Robotic Noncompliance

Authors: Ryan Blake Jackson and Tom Williams and Nicole M. Smith

| Venue: HRI


Mixed Reality Deictic Gesture for Multi-Modal Robot Communication

Authors: Tom Williams and Matthew Bussing and Sebastian Cabrol and Elizabeth Boyle and Nhan Tran

| Venue: HRI


Tact in Noncompliance: The Need for Pragmatically Apt Responses to Unethical Commands

Authors: Ryan Blake Jackson and Ruchen Wen and Tom Williams

| Venue: AIES


Language-Capable Robots may Inadvertently Weaken Human Moral Norms

Authors: Ryan Blake Jackson and Tom Williams

| Venue: alt.HRI


“Thank You for Sharing that Interesting Fact!”: Effects of Capability and Context on Indirect Speech Act Use in Task-Based Human-Robot Dialogue

Authors: Tom Williams and Daria Thames and Julia Novakoff and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: HRI


A Bayesian Analysis of Moral Norm Malleability during Clarification Dialogues

Authors: Tom Williams and Ryan Blake Jackson and Jane Lockshin

| Venue: CogSci


Quasi-Dilemmas for Artificial Moral Agents

Authors: Daniel Kasenberg and Vasanth Sarathy and Thomas Arnold and Matthias Scheutz and Tom Williams

| Venue: ICRES


Augmenting Robot Knowledge Consultants with Distributed Short Term Memory

Authors: Tom Williams and Ravenna Thielstrom and Evan Krause and Bradley Oosterveld and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: ICSR


Robot: Asker of Questions and Changer of Norms?

Authors: Ryan Blake Jackson and Tom Williams

| Venue: ICRES


Blue Sky Ideas in Artificial Intelligence Education from the EAAI’17 New and Future AI Educator Program

Authors: Eric Eaton and Sven Koenig and Claudia Schulz and Francesco Maurelli and John Lee and Joshua Eckroth and Mark Crowley and Richard Freedman and Rogelio Cardona-Rivera and Tiago Machado and Tom Williams

| Venue: EAAI


A Tale of Two Architectures: A Dual-Citizenship Integration of Natural Language and the Cognitive Map

Authors: Tom Williams and Collin Johnson and Matthias Scheutz and Benjamin Kuipers

| Venue: AAMAS


Resolution of Referential Ambiguity in Human-Robot Dialogue Using Dempster-Shafer Theoretic Pragmatics

Authors: Tom Williams and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: RSS


Differences in Interaction Patterns and Perception for Teleoperated and Autonomous Humanoid Robots

Authors: Maxwell Bennett and Tom Williams and Daria Thames and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: IROS


Referring Expression Generation Under Uncertainty: Algorithm and Evaluation Framework

Authors: Tom Williams and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: INLG


A Framework for Resolving Open-World Referential Expressions in Distributed Heterogeneous Knowledge Bases

Authors: Tom Williams and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: AAAI


Situated Open World Reference Resolution for Human-Robot Dialogue

Authors: Tom Williams and Saurav Acharya and Stephanie Schreitter and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: HRI


Going Beyond Literal Command-Based Instructions: Extending Robotic Natural Language Interaction Capabilities

Authors: Tom Williams, Gordon Briggs, Bradley Oosterveld, Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: AAAI


A Domain-Independent Model of Open-World Reference Resolution

Authors: Tom Williams and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: CogSci


POWER: A Domain-Independent Algorithm for Probabilistic, Open-World Entity Resolution

Authors: Tom Williams and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: IROS


Learning to Recognize Novel Objects in One Shot through Human-Robot Interactions in Natural Language Dialogues

Authors: Evan Krause and Michael Zillich and Tom Williams and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: AAAI


Is Robot Telepathy Acceptable? Investigating Effects of Nonverbal Robot-Robot Communication on Human-Robot Interaction

Authors: Tom Williams and Priscilla Briggs and Nathaniel Pelz and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: RO-MAN


A Dempster-Shafer Theoretic Approach to Understanding Indirect Speech Acts

Authors: Tom Williams and Rafael C.Nunez and Gordon Briggs and Matthias Scheutz and Kamal Premaratne and Manohar N. Murthi



Grounding Natural Language References to Unvisited and Hypothetical Locations

Authors: Tom Williams and Rehj Cantrell and Gordon Briggs and Paul Schermerhorn and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: AAAI


Trust in Human-Computer Interactions as Measured by Frustration, Surprise, and Workload

Authors: Leanne Hirshfield and Stuart Hirshfield and Sam Hincks and Matt Russell and Rachel Ward and Tom Williams

| Venue: HCII FAC


This is your brain on interfaces: enhancing usability testing with functional near-infrared spectroscopy

Authors: Leanne Hirshfield and Rebecca Gulotta and Stuart Hirshfield and Sam Hincks and Matt Russell and Rachel Ward and Tom Williams, Rob Jacob

| Venue: CHI


Invited and Lightly Refereed Papers

Dialogue with Robots: Proposals for Broadening Participation and Research in the SLIVAR Community

Authors: Casey Kennington and Malihe Alikhani and Heather Pon-Barry and Katherine Atwell and Yonatan Bisk and Daniel Fried and Felix Gervits and Zhao Han and Mert Inan and Michael Johnston and Raj Korpan and Diane Litman and Matthew Marge and Cynthia Matuszek and Ross Mead and Shiwali Mohan and Raymond Mooney and Natalie Parde and Jivko Sinapov and Angela Stewart and Matthew Stone and Stefanie Tellex and Tom Williams

| Venue: CoRR


TOBY: A Tool for Exploring Data in Academic Survey Papers

Authors: Tathagata Chakraborti and Jungkoo Kang and Christian Muise and Sarath Sreedharan and Michael Walker and Daniel Szafir and Tom Williams

| Venue: CoRR


Using Markov Chain Text Generators to Facilitate Found Poetry Creation

Authors: Alex Leto, Toni Lefton and Tom Williams

| Venue: EAAI


CHAOPT: A Testbed for Evaluating Human-Autonomy Team Collaboration Using the Video Game Overcooked!2

Authors: Justin Bishop, Jaylen Burgess, Cooper Ramos, Jade B. Driggs, Tom Williams, Chad C. Tossell, Elizabeth Phillips, Tyler H. Shaw, and Ewart J. de Visser

| Venue: SIEDS


Designing Augmented Reality Visualizations for Synchronized and Time-Dominant Human-Robot Teaming

Authors: Savannah Paul, Christopher Reardon, Tom Williams, and Hao Zhang,

| Venue: SPIE-XR


Using Augmented Reality to Better Study Human-Robot Interaction

Authors: Tom Williams and Leanne Hirshfield and Nhan Tran and Trevor Grant and Nicholas Woodward

| Venue: VAMR


Investigating the Potential Effectiveness of Allocentric Mixed Reality Deictic Gesture

Authors: Tom Williams and Matthew Bussing and Sebastian Cabrol and Ian Lau and Elizabeth Boyle and Nhan Tran

| Venue: VAMR


Confucian Robot Ethics

Authors: Qin Zhu and Tom Williams and Ruchen Wen

| Venue: CEPE


Augmented, Mixed, and Virtual Reality Enabling of Robot Deixis

Authors: Tom Williams and Nhan Tran and Josh Rands and Neil T. Dantam

| Venue: VAMR


Blame-Laden Moral Rebukes and the Morally Competent Robot: A Confucian Ethical Perspective

Authors: Qin Zhu and Tom Williams and Ryan Blake Jackson

| Venue: BBAI


Dissertation Briefing: Situated Natural Language Interaction in Uncertain and Open Worlds

Authors: Tom Williams

| Venue: AI Matters


Workshop Papers and Late Breaking Reports

Toward RAPS: the Robot Autonomy Perception Scale

Authors: Rafael Sousa Silva and Cailyn Smith and Lara Bezerra and Tom Williams

| Venue: ROMAN-VAT


FETCH: Fostering and Enhancing Teamwork, Communication, and Healthy Community Among Animal Shelter Volunteers through Mobile Technology

Authors: Yifei Zhu and Joe Peak and Eryn Kelsey Adkins and C. Estelle Smith

| Venue: CHI LBWs


A Gender-Controlled Replication Study on Deconstructed Trustee Theory

Authors: Alexandra Bejarano and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI-WS: Robo-Identity


Designing Re-embodiment and Telepresence Metaphors for Augmented Reality facilitated Robotic Guidance

Authors: Yifei Zhu and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI-WS: Robo-Identity


A Preliminary Multi-Level Service Blueprint of Robot End-User Development in Socially Assistive Robots

Authors: Saad Elbeleidy and Alexandra Bejarano and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI-EUD


Hidden Scarecrows: Potential Consequences of Inaccurate Assumptions About LLMs in Robotic Moral Reasoning

Authors: Terran Mott and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI SOZ-LLM


I Have No Mouth, Yet I Must Scream: Towards Situated Robot Acoustics in HRI

Authors: Eric Hansen and Ross Mead and Tom Williams

| Venue: TAHRI


Say What? Analyzing the Impact of an Entity-Level Model of Working Memory Forgetting on Referring Expression Generation

Authors: Rafael Sousa Silva and Tom Williams

| Venue: TAHRI


Introduction to Human-Robot Interaction: A Multi-Perspective Introductory Course

Authors: Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI 101


Perspectives on Level of Autonomy Decisions in Space Robotics

Authors: Cailyn Smith and Terran Mott and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Generating Relevant Referring Expressions with GAIA: a Givenness Advised Incremental Algorithm

Authors: Mark Higger and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Using Robot Social Agency Theory to Understand Robots’ Linguistic Anthropomorphism

Authors: Cloe Z Emnett and Terran Mott and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Challenges in Annotating Gesture-Based Cognitive Status in Human-Robot Collaboration Datasets

Authors: Logan Daigler and Mark Higger and Terran Mott and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Handling Working Memory Knowledge Through a Consultant-Level Resource Management Strategy

Authors: Rafael Sousa Silva and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Prototyping a User Interface for Multi-Robot Speech Control

Authors: Alexandra Bejarano and Sebastian Negrete-Alamillo and Terran Mott and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI LBRs


A Robot Dialogue Authoring Interface with Smart Capabilities

Authors: Saad Elbeleidy and Michelle Lieng and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Does Performative Autonomy improve Situation Awareness in Highly Demanding Collaborative Tasks?

Authors: Sayanti Roy and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI LBRs


What Was and What Will Be: What gestures are used in open-world task-based referential communication?

Authors: Mark Higger and Zhao Han and Tom Williams

| Venue: CogSci


Conversations with Identity Performing Robots: Considerations for Algorithms and Interfaces

Authors: Alexandra Bejarano and Sebastian Negrete-Alamillo and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI-HRCI


No Justice, No Robots: Taking a Hard Look at Roboticist-Police Collaborations

Authors: Tom Williams and Kerstin Haring

| Venue: HRI-DEI


Perspectives on Moral Agency for HRI: Cognitive Construct or Ontological State? Toward Moral Agency Quantification in Human-Robot Interaction

Authors: Boyoung Kim and Elizabeth Phillips and Qin Zhu and Tom Williams

| Venue: PMA-HRI


Community Futures With Morally Capable Robotic Technology

Authors: Terran Mott and Tom Williams

| Venue: PMA-HRI


Enabling Human-like Language-Capable Robots Through Working Memory Modeling

Authors: Rafael Sousa Silva and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI Pioneers


Rube-Goldberg Machines, Transparent Technology, and the Morally Competent Robot

Authors: Terran Mott and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Hidden Complexities in the Computational Modeling of Proportionality for Robotic Norm Violation Response

Authors: Ruchen Wen and Tom Williams

| Venue: AI-HRI


Mixed-Reality Robot Behavior Replay: A System Implementation

Authors: Zhao Han and Tom Williams and Holly Yanco

| Venue: AI-HRI


Causal Robot Communication Inspired by Observational Learning Insights

Authors: Zhao Han and Boyoung Kim and Holly Yanco and Tom Williams

| Venue: AAAI-SS


Towards Formalizing HRI Data Collection Processes

Authors: Zhao Han and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI-TM&M


Towards an Understanding of Physical vs Virtual Robot Appendage Design

Authors: Zhao Han and Albert Phan and Amia Castro and Fernando Sandoval Garza and Tom Williams

| Venue: VAM-HRI


Robots Need the Ability to Navigate Abusive Interactions

Authors: Hideki Garcia Goo and Katie Winkle and Tom Williams and Megan Strait

| Venue: HRI-DEI


Race in the Eye of the Robot Beholder: Against Racial Representation, Recognition, and Reasoning in Robotics Research

Authors: Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI-DEI


A Task Design for Studying Referring Behaviors for Linguistic HRI

Authors: Zhao Han and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Robot Teleoperation Interfaces for Customized Therapy for Autistic Children

Authors: Saad Elbeleidy and Aryaman Jadhav and Dan Liu and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Improving Teleoperation Interfaces to Support Therapists in Robot-Assisted Therapy

Authors: Saad Elbeleidy

| Venue: CHI DC


Community-Situated Mixed-Methods Robotics Research for Children and Childhood Spaces

Authors: Terran Mott and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI Pioneers


Understanding and Influencing User Mental Models of Robot Identity

Authors: Alexandra Bejarano and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI Pioneers


Human Capabilities as Guiding Lights for the Field of AI-HRI: Insights from Engineering Education

Authors: Tom Williams and Ruchen Wen

| Venue: AI-HRI


Designing for Perceived Robot Empathy for Children in Long-Term Care

Authors: Alexandra Bejarano and Olivia Lomax and Peyton Scherschel and Tom Williams

| Venue: ICSR BRRs


Robot-generated Mixed Reality Gestures Improve Human-Robot Interaction

Authors: Nhan Tran and Trevor Grant and Thao Phung and Leanne Hirshfield and Christopher Wickens and Tom Williams

| Venue: ICSR BRRs


Social Good Versus Robot Well-Being: On the Principle of Procreative Beneficence and Robot Gendering

Authors: Ryan Blake Jackson and Tom Williams

| Venue: RO-MAN: GenR


Investigating Robot Moral Advice to Deter Cheating Behavior

Authors: Boyoung Kim and Ruchen Wen and Ewart J. de Visser and Qin Zhu and Tom Williams and Elizabeth Phillips

| Venue: RO-MAN: TSAR


Towards Effective Robot-Teleoperation in Therapy for Children with Autism

Authors: Saad Elbeleidy

| Venue: IDC DC


You Have Time to Explore Over Here! Augmented Reality for Enhanced Situation Awareness in Human-Robot Collaborative Exploration

Authors: Terran Mott and Christopher Reardon and Hao Zhang and Tom Williams

| Venue: VAM-HRI


On the Flexibility of Robot Social Identity Performance: Benefits, Ethical Risks and Open Research Questions for HRI

Authors: Katie Winkle and Ryan Blake Jackson and Alexa Bejarano and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI-WS: Robo-Identity


Design, Performance, and Perception of Robot Identity

Authors: Ryan Blake Jackson and Alexa Bejarano and Katie Winkle and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI-WS: Robo-Identity


I Need Your Advice… Human Perceptions of Robot Moral Advising Behaviors

Authors: Nichole Starr and Bertram Malle and Tom Williams



Toward Hybrid Relational-Normative Models of Robot Cognition

Authors: Ruchen Wen

| Venue: HRI Pioneers


Can Robots Be Used to Encourage Social Distancing?

Authors: Chloe McCaffrey and Alexander Taylor and Sayanti Roy and Santosh Balajee Banisetty and Tom Williams and Ross Mead

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Implicit Communication Through Social Distancing: Can Social Navigation Communicate Social Norms?

Authors: Santosh Balajee Banisetty and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Get This!⇓Mixed Reality Improves Robot Communication Regardless of Mental Workload

Authors: Nhan Tran and Trevor Grant and Thao Phung and Leanne Hirshfield and Christopher Wickens and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Design Considerations for Child-Robot Interaction in Pediatric Contexts

Authors: Terran Mott and Joslyne Lovelace and Bennett Steward

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Teleoperation Interface Usage in Robot-Assisted Childhood ASD Therapy

Authors: Saad Elbeleidy and Aubrey Shick and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Comparing Strategies for Robot Communication of Role-Grounded Moral Norms

Authors: Ruchen Wen and Boyoung Kim and Elizabeth Phillips and Qin Zhu and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Is it Pointless? Modeling and Evaluation of Category Transitions of Spatial Gestures

Authors: Adam Stogsdill and Grace Clark and Aly Ranucci and Thao Phung and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Cognitive Architectural Control for Free-Flying Robots on the Lunar Orbital Platform-Gateway

Authors: Jon Emannuel Serrano and Shania Jo Runningrabbit and Sayanti Roy and Alexandra Bejarano and Tom Williams

| Venue: ICSR-HRI-SR


Identity Performance in Multi-Robot Distributed Systems

Authors: Tom Williams and Daniel Ayers and Camille Kaufman and Jon Emmanuel Serrano and Shania Jo Runningrabbit and Sayanti Roy and Poulomi Pal and Alexandra Bejarano and Ryan Blake Jackson

| Venue: ICSR-HRI-SR


Toward Givenness Hierarchy Theoretic Natural Language Generation

Authors: Poulomi Pal and Tom Williams

| Venue: ACS


Toward Forgetting-Sensitive Referring Expression Generation for Integrated Robot Architectures

Authors: Tom Williams and Torin Johnson and Will Culpepper and Kellyn Larson

| Venue: ACS


Enabling Morally Sensitive Robotic Clarification Requests

Authors: Ryan Blake Jackson and Tom Williams

| Venue: ACS


The Influence of Social Embarrassment on Engagement with Publicly Displayed Digital Content

Authors: Ethan Perry, Alexandra Pollock, Tom Williams

| Venue: HCII


Adapting Mixed Reality Robot Communication to Mental Workload

Authors: Nhan Tran

| Venue: HRI Pioneers


Exploring Mixed Reality Robot Communication Under Different types of Mental Workload

Authors: Nhan Tran and Kai Mizuno and Trevor Grant and Thao Phung and Leanne Hirshfield and Tom Williams

| Venue: VAM-HRI


Tradeoffs Between Effectiveness and Social Perception When Using Mixed Reality to Supplement Gesturally Limited Robots

Authors: Jared Hamilton and Nhan Tran and Tom Williams

| Venue: VAM-HRI


Exploring Interaction Design Considerations for Trustworthy Language-Capable Robotic Wheelchairs in Virtual Reality

Authors: Nicholas Woodward and Teresa Nguyen and Lixiao Zhu and Carter Fowler and Taewoo Kim and Stacia Near and Stephen Thoemmes and Tom Williams

| Venue: VAM-HRI


Investigating Confidence-Based Category Transition of Spatial Gestures

Authors: Adam Stogsdill and Thao Phung and Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI:NLG


Toward Morally Sensitive Robotic Communication

Authors: Ryan Blake Jackson

| Venue: HRI Pioneers


Generating Appropriate Responses to Inappropriate Robot Commands

Authors: Ryan Blake Jackson

| Venue: AIES Student Program


The Reality-Virtuality Interaction Cube: A Framework for Conceptualizing Mixed-Reality Interaction Design Elements for HRI

Authors: Tom Williams and Daniel Szafir and Tathagata Chakraborti

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Towards A Role Ethics Approach to Command Rejection

Authors: Ruchen Wen and Ryan Blake Jackson and Tom Williams and Qin Zhu

| Venue: DARK-HRI


On Perceived Social and Moral Agency in Natural Language Capable Robots

Authors: Ryan Blake Jackson and Tom Williams

| Venue: DARK-HRI


The Reality-Virtuality Interaction Cube

Authors: Tom Williams and Daniel Szafir and Tathagata Chakraborti

| Venue: VAM-HRI


Toward Allocentric Mixed-Reality Deictic Gesture

Authors: Tom Williams and Matthew Bussing and Sebastian Cabrol and Ian Lau

| Venue: VAM-HRI


Toward Ethical Natural Language Generation for Human-Robot Interaction

Authors: Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI LBRs


Investigating Interactions with Teleoperated and Autonomous Humanoids Using a Suit-Based VR Teleoperation Interface

Authors: Maxwell Bennett and Tom Williams and Daria Thames and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: VAM-HRI


A Framework for Robot-Generated Mixed-Reality Deixis

Authors: Tom Williams

| Venue: VAM-HRI


A Hands-Free Virtual-Reality Teleoperation Interface for Wizard-of-Oz Control

Authors: Nhan Tran and Josh Rands and Tom Williams

| Venue: VAM-HRI


“Who Should I Run Over?”: Long-Term Ethical Implications of Natural Language Generation

Authors: Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI:LHRT


Combinatorial Inference of Multi-modal Observations

Authors: Neil T. Dantam and Tom Williams and Hao Zhang

| Venue: ICRA Extended Abstracts


Challenges in Responding to Malicious Robot-Directed Commands

Authors: Ryan Blake Jackson and Tom Williams

| Venue: RSS:WAR


Towards Robot Knowledge Consultants Augmented with Distributed Short Term Memory

Authors: Tom Williams and Evan Krause and Bradley Oosterveld and Ravenna Thielstrom and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: RSS:MRHRC


Towards Givenness and Relevance-Theoretic Open World Reference Resolution

Authors: Tom Williams and Evan Krause and Bradley Oosterveld and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: RSS:MRHRC


Workload-Driven Modulation of Mixed-Reality Robot-Human Communication

Authors: Leanne Hirshfield and Tom Williams and Natalie Sommer and Trevor Grant and Senem Velipasalar Gursoy



Referring Expression Generation Under Uncertainty in Integrated Robot Architectures

Authors: Tom Williams and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: RSS:HCR


Spatial Referring Expression Generation for HRI: Algorithms and Evaluation Framework

Authors: Lars Kunze and Tom Williams and Nick Hawes and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: AI-HRI


Architectural Mechanisms for Situated Natural Language Understanding in Uncertain and Open Worlds

Authors: Tom Williams

| Venue: AAAI-DC


Resolution of Referential Ambiguity Using Dempster-Shafer Theoretic Pragmatics

Authors: Tom Williams and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: AI-HRI


Towards More Natural Human-Robot Dialogue

Authors: Tom Williams

| Venue: HRI Pioneers


Towards Situated Open World Reference Resolution

Authors: Tom Williams and Stephanie Schreitter and Saurav Acharya and Matthias Scheutz

| Venue: AI-HRI


Novel Mechanisms for Natural Human-Robot Interactions in the DIARC Architecture

Authors: Matthias Scheutz and Gordon Briggs and Rehj Cantrell and Evan Krause and Tom Williams and Richard Veale

| Venue: AAAI-IRS



Designing Tools for Care Wizards: Centering the people behind Socially Assistive Robots to design successful robotics systems

Authors: Saad Elbeleidy

| Venue: Mines PhD Dissertation


Social Robot Interaction Design to Mitigate Risk in Sensitive and Adverse Contexts

Authors: Terran Mott

| Venue: Mines PhD Dissertation


Empowering Special Education Teachers: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities with Socially-Assistive Robots

Authors: Shane Romero

| Venue: Mines MS Thesis


Context-Sensitive Representations, Reasoning, and Communication for Morally and Socially Competent Robots

Authors: Ruchen Wen

| Venue: Mines PhD Dissertation


Agency and Influence: Moral Communication for Interactive Robots

Authors: Ryan Blake Jackson

| Venue: Mines PhD Dissertation


Exploring the Effectiveness of Body Language in Mitigating the Face Threat of Robot Noncompliance

Authors: Aidan Naughton

| Venue: Mines MS Thesis


Givenness Hierarchy Theoretic Natural Language Generation

Authors: Poulomi Pal

| Venue: Mines MS Thesis


Tradeoffs Between Performance and Positive Social Perception of Deictic Gestures in Mixed Reality Robotics

Authors: Jared G. Hamilton

| Venue: Mines BS Honors Thesis


Effects of Proactive Explanations by Autonomous Systems on Human-Robot Trust

Authors: Lixiao Zhu

| Venue: Mines MS Thesis


Exploring Mixed Reality Robot Communication Under Different Types of Mental Workload

Authors: Nhan Tran

| Venue: Mines MS Thesis


Situated Natural Language Interaction in Uncertain and Open Worlds

Authors: Tom Williams

| Venue: Tufts PhD Thesis